10 Fun Things to do in Quarantine from the Comfort of Your Home

During this time, you can learn how to cook Vegetable Tikka Masala, launch a new Free 3D Modeling Software, plan how to open a Braiding Shop/Nail Spa, select Banquets in Indore for your upcoming wedding, choose Travel Blog Names or make plans Worldwide Travel once the pandemic is over. 

quarantine has proved to be the best and the worst time at the same time for all of us. since being unable to move outside and locked up in home made us a bit frustrating but also gave us plenty of time for exploring lots of new skills. everyone has came up with new talent during this period.there are many opportunities to enhance ones personal and professional skills.


  • Python – Python is a server-side web and software development language started by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Python has a simple, English-like syntax to script back-end actions for applications, user interfaces, and operating systems that work well. Many platforms, including Google and NASA’s Integrated Planning System, use Python
  • SQL – SQL, or structured query language, is a domain-specific coding type that streams information into a database. First introduced by IBM researchers in 1974, SQL has simple syntax to run back-end web databases. SQL is used by most businesses to load, retrieve, and analyze text or numbers in their servers.
cooking has came out as the hobby for almost everyone. youtube was the ultimate guide for us.we tried almost everything. cooking has proved to be the best fun thing for families.

certificates for almost every field and age group. digital marketing,languages,diplomas and what not for students. the best utilisation of time one have.


one can have a blog of their own sharing their experiences. a knowledge sharing platform also for storytelling.some professional learning im new way helps a lot.

the most fun filling and joyful activity. it brings you back to the nature and sooth the tension and calms your mind as well.
