Financial Considerations to Understand as a Student

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Financial behavior and problems among university students

Many times studends get themselves trapped in financial problems caused by lack of financial knowledge.Many students rely on loans to get them through college. Yet, sometimes students borrow too much money while in school. Excess loan money leads to debt that students must pay back after gradua-tion delaying other financial goals. With the proper educational support about living independently, students can reduce their chance of obtaining unnecessary debt from educational loans.
For many young people, starting college or university is not just the start of their higher education but also the start of their financial one. This is a time when many younger people have to start fending for themselves financially. With this in mind there are a number of financial considerations to think about as a student
Why is financial literacy important?

Financial literacy is important because it equips us with the knowledge and skills we need to manage money effectively. Without it, our financial decisions and the actions we take—or don’t take—lack a solid foundation for success. And this can have dire consequences


“I think if people truly understand the way that financial systems work at an early age, or even later on in life—if they’ve made poor decisions but learn how they can go back and fix them and start planning for the future—they can then encompass that and take the steps to make a better life for themselves.”

Cherry Dale, Director of Financial Education, Virginia Credit Union

 What is the solution?
 Now what is the solution? Well it is with us only. We students irrespective of our fields our streams need to develope a basic understanding of what finance is how this works. This is no rocket science you just need to go through some online vides or if possible a proper guidence. Never be too greedy with finance one wrong move and you lose it all. Develope the general sense of right and wrong. Always verify the authenticity of source and you will nevet have to worry then. Always remember finance is the basic to survive today and everyone much know the basics on how this industry works and what are the risks one must consider before taking any decision.
